v1.2.5 - 16-12-2017
- Fixed an issue that causes the application to set schedule for current time instead of time specified when the schedule was set for a specific date.
v1.2.4 - 10-06-2016
- Now application will check if there is Task Scheduler service running or not. If it is not running then it will show dialog that allows user to start it from within the application.
v1.2.3 - 18-10-2014
- Chnaged license to Freeware.
v1.2.2 - 12-08-2014
- Now status bar messages will disappear after 2.5 seconds.
- Now if there is schedule already present then it will show you the schedule for appropriate timer when you switch tabs.
New Features
- Added menus at the top of the application for more user friendly experience.
v1.2.1 - 14-06-2013
- Now PC will Shutdown or Restart instantly instead of waiting for 1 minute after scheduled time.
- Now user interface fonts will look like default System font.
v1.2 - 09-06-2012
New Features
- Now users can set schedule to hibernate their PC.
- Added support for .NET Framework 4.0.
v1.1 - 20-04-2012
- Fixed bug when you set schedule to Auto Restart it will show Auto Shutdown instead of Restart on application launch.